I hope next month would be better! I have a lot of cakes I am supposed to make so there would be updates galore :-) We have been busy fixing our dining room and we( finally) painted it :-). Here are some pictures:
My mom has been helping me to arrange stuff around the house according to Feng Shui energies and I can't believe how well things are working out since I started doing that.
The color of the walls is " Olympic" - Pony Tail.
And I painted these 2 pictures:
For some reason I couldn't take sharp enough pictures of the paintings. The peacock with dry crayons.
And finally the Trigram Li. I've used acrylic colors.
I am trying to organize my stuff for the Easter preparations, I have so many Easter breads to bake and on top of that my bread machine died. I got a new one, it works very nice so far, let's hope it would cope with the amount of work I have in mind for it for the next couple of days :-)