We started simple and humble- with a message.
" Daddy, we love you so much"
A white cardboard, 7 locations and 58 pictures later, this is what we came up with:
For the pictures we used a clear white board, then I digitally drew the details and letters. It is a great idea, especially if you want to "change" the messages.
"Little devils"
"Little angels"
"Thing One and Thing Two"
"A volcano of love"
" Risking life and limb for you"
" The Superhero and the Fairy"
"We'll find you anywhere"
" A mile high"
"You are out of this world"
After I was done with the digital drawings I printed a poster for my husband and that was the present from the kids for his birthday. Do I even have to say that this was considered the best present ever by him and all who saw it? ;-)
I hope you enjoyed looking at them as much as we had fun taking these pictures.
Ta-Ta for now,