Thursday, October 29, 2009

Stamp artist is needed!!!

Hi All,
I just wanted to let whoever doesn't know that the online store " Paperbasics" is looking for a new stamp artist!
Here is a link to the article:
Looking for a Stamp Artist!

So, if you are a person who likes to draw and would love to make a stamp line for them, go for it and send them an e-mail at:

Good luck everyone!!!


  1. Това е чудесна възможност, за мое голямо съжаление, не мисля че аз бих могла да се включа. Че рисувам - рисувам, но трябва да го гледам, а това е вид прекопиране. Лесно ми идват идеи в главата, но изпълнението после ми е трудно.
    Ани, ако ти смяташ да участваш - Успех! Това е направо страхотно!

  2. Нана, аз нямам как да участвам за съжаление...Просто такива са обстоятелствата, ама ако някой има желание, успех му пожелавам :-)

  3. You're so kind!!..Thank you so much for Spreading the word about this Annie. Getting the word out there I think will do the trick!..Hugs, Ila

  4. You are very welcome, Ila! I would be happy if you find the right person for the job, that would inspire the stamp collection, but I would be happier if I know them personally! :-) You never know, it might be one of my friends :-)))


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