Friday, February 5, 2010

Valentine's day mailbox from tissue box

You all probably have a list of the school projects that you've helped your kids with.
Well, I'm just starting and many things that people who went through the school system in the US know by definition, I  haven't heard of. So when my son came back home with a " Valentine's day mailbox" I had absolutely no idea how are we going to do that!

My first idea was to make it from a regular tissue box, but in the instruction was specifically mentioned that the child should be able to take out the "mail" from a separate opening than the one the mail goes in the first place.
Now that was more difficult!

So, i came up with the idea to make a Kleenex tissue box on a "regular style" mailbox and the finished mailbox looks like this:


I have to say, that a single person would probably not be able to finish this. The structural design was my idea, but we did the whole thing with my son, because while one is gluing, the other one is holding, while one is wrapping, the other one is gluing. It was a teamwork and I am very pleased with the result.
The decoration design was entirely my son's idea, he did most of it, I helped with the wrapping and the ribbon because he was afraid not to get burned by the glue gun.


As you can see, my son glued the "roof" a little tilted, but I think it came out great anyway.
We used a regular piece of cardboard that we cut an opening on, then we taped the pattern paper on it and then we glued the "roof" to the tissue box.
Here is the opening on top:

One thing that I am very proud of is the second opening. I used the sides that close of the tissue box and wrapped them in colored paper. But we needed some way to close that! My son and I brainstormed for almost 30 minutes, going through tape, ribbons etc as idea. Nothing seemed to be right.
Then I thought of reclosable fasteners! I am very modest, but this was a genius idea! ;-)

And voila, there is the mailbox! What do you think?


  1. Wow, Kalin's mailbox will be the best one!

  2. Кутията е направо страхотна. Много е хубаво това, че сте я правили двамата заедно с Калин.

  3. Thanks Slavka, I hope so! :-)

    Иволина, аз мнго се изненадах, че той издържа толкова дълго да я правим заедно! Може да се каже, че я направихме 50 на 50 той и аз, а обикновено аз правя повечето неща. Накрая и двамата бяхме много доволни от резултата! :-)

  4. Резултатът е наистина страхотен! И както е казала и Деси, най-хубавото е, че сте правили кутията заедно. :)

  5. Чудесна е, и аз да кажа че Калин ще бъде с най-хубавата кутия. А това закопчаване, супер "клевър" си го измислила. :)

  6. Чудна кутия, и знам защо е така. От личен опит знам, че когато нещо се прави от двама и с любов, няма начин резултата да не е 100% вълшебство :)
    При вас се е получило точно това !!!

  7. What a creative idea for your mailbox! Love it!

  8. Very creative! Love your take on this weeks challenge. Thanks for playing along. Good Luck!

    ~L~ CB D/Team

  9. It is sooo cute! I would have loved to see "in the making photos".. It looks so complicated. Well done, your son must be so proud and I do hope hat he will get masses of cards!

  10. I think your son did a great job - definitely going to be the best


  11. Thank you "Um Buggin", Li-Marie and Nessie!
    He brought it to school yesterday and he was so excited! I hope he gets a lots of cards Friday too ;-)

  12. this is one of my very favorites I have seen! maybe because it is so special! I love that it was a family affair, something you'll remember every time you see this! I just love it!
    and all your details are just darling!

  13. Thank you so much, Leah! Yes, it is quite special for us and even we plan to keep it as a "family" mailbox, where we can leave each other notes etc. :-)

    Thanks Annmaree! :-)


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