Sunday, April 11, 2010

Some cards and some good news!

You know how regularly I post on my blog so you are probably wondering what happened the last week!

Well, a couple of things happened actually!

First of all I am working really hard on my anatomy sketches, I am learning things about drawing and painting, reading a lot of  art books, but I wasn't sure if anyone would like to see these sketches.

I mean I know you love me guys, but I'm not sure you'll be too excited to come back to my site if I show you 10 sketches of my thumb. LoL :-) Which is pretty much what I am doing, sketching things over and over again...I hate drawing hands, I've always avoided whenever possible, so now I am spending extra time learning how to draw them properly.

Actually working on the anatomy sketches is a lot of fun! Sketching bones and muscles is never boring for me. Aaaahhhh, I remember about the time I brought a real skull( from my biology teacher!) at my house and my mom threatened to disown me if I didn't get it out right away. Good times...:-)

Second of all I am working currently on my art portfolio website and this is the big announcement I promised on Tweeter!It was about time to shed some light on the subject how my website would grow, and there it is! I will have a separate webstite with my art portfolio! Yay! :-)

I would continue to publish things in my art and craft section, since my new website would serve quite a different purpose and both sites would link to each other as well.

The purpose of the new site would be to keep in a " gallery mode" only my artwork and would be like a online resume for future art show events etc.

Maybe at some point it would serve even a better purpose ;-) but I am going to keep my mouth shut about that now! :-)))

So, to appease you for not posting every day this week, I'll show you the last 5 cards I made! The spell is broken, no 13 cards this time, sorry! :-)


 Spring cards20100011      Spring cards20100012


Spring cards20100010       Spring cards20100009

Spring cards20100008      Spring cards20100007


Spring cards20100004

Spring cards20100001

Enjoy the wonderful spring weather!


P.S: And don't forget to take your allergy medication too, you know who you are! ;-)


  1. Ани, много са свежи! Останаха ми очите в сламената шапка!

  2. Страхотни картички, тази със сламената шапка и на мен ми направи впечатление, но и другите не остават по назад :)

  3. Ани, повече от красота !!!!! Мноого ми харесват!
    Браво, за пореден път ти се възхищавам на сръчните ръце!!!

  4. Благодаря ви момичета, не са кой знае какво, но тези дни мисля да понаправя още, може пък да потръгнат :-)

  5. Ани, картичките са наистина прекрасни! Изумително е как с един замах, малко хартия и две панделки можеш да сътвориш такава нежност и прелест!
    Бях започнала да се притеснявам къде се загуби и се надявах да не е поради здравословни проблеми. Много се радвам, че кипиш от творческа енергия и ти предстоят нови положителни промени (ако английският ми не ме е подвел :))

  6. Ох, забравих да напиша, че имаш и наградка в блога ми. :)) И че съм ти намерила (най-накрая :)))) това, което ти бях обещала. :)

  7. Имаш награда в блога ми, можеш да дойдеш да си я вземеш :)

  8. Много хубави картички.

  9. Много ми харесват всички картички! Очаквам с нетърпение да видя и новите творения!


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