Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A gift for Grandpa


My father-in-law was staying with us for a month and we had the most amazing time together! Our best summer yet! And as a bonus the kids finally got to meet him!


We all grew so fond of having him around and it was very very sad when he was leaving. I wanted to give him a present that would remind him of the great time we had together and I decided to make him a picture frame and put in one of the awesome pictures I took of them three the day before he left. I asked my kids what they want me to put on the frame. Kalin said- coffee, because Grandpa likes coffee, Ellie said - buttons.


It was quite a challenge to include both but I think I managed :-)

GrandpaFrame3 I hope you like it!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Kalin's 2nd scrapbook album

As you probably remember I wrote about how I started my first scrapbook album last year. If not, you can check out the first, second, third, forth, fifth, sixth and seventh part that I wrote about it.

I was thinking " Well, what the heck, it shouldn't be that hard", but I had no idea what I was getting into. The whole idea was that the kids have to show their life in pictures to the class on their birthday. That's how I came up with the idea- pictures+ story=scrapbook. So, last year I've filled 25 scrapbook pages - up to Kalin's 5th birthday and this year I had a lot less work, since I had to cover only the events from the past year. I chose couple of events that marked the year for Kalin:

- He got a trophy for finishing the 1000 book club ( reading 1000 books)


- We got a puppy


On this one I actually burned the edges of the pictures with a lighter. It's probably not visible from the pictures I took ( sorry, I was so in a hurry, the light was wrong, but I didn't have time to reshoot them) but when the pictures burned, the paper became orange/yellow and purple around the edges. Very, very nice effect!

- He lost his first ( and second) tooth


- For the last page I wanted to include one more picture, but the only one I had was this one, so I made it look like he is writing his wish list for the birthday party. :-)


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