Saturday, October 26, 2013

Woodburning 101 part 1

I often get e-mails asking me how I woodburn and awhile back I came up with the idea to make a series of videos showing what my process of woodburning is. I am glad to say that  I finally got to do it. I hope you don't mind the mess in my studio. :-)

If you have any questions, send me a message or leave a comment. I this video was helpful to you. 


Thursday, October 24, 2013

I deserve that pumpkin medal!

In Bulgaria there is a saying that when somebody is not going to be "rewarded" for his/her effort ( in monetary or other way), he/she would be given a pumpkin medal.

I absolutely, positively believe I deserve one tonight!

I came back from work, made dinner, listened to everyone complain about their day, then proceeded to make two kids Halloween costumes because " by the way, we need them for tomorrow", not next week as we initially thought. Yup.

I am so extremely lucky that my kids are so incredibly awesome and agreed to make the costumes with what we had.

An old Superman cape quickly became a part of the "pile of leaves" costume of my daughter, as the same costume included a crochet hat that we had from before. 250 fabric leaves and 10 hot glue gun sticks  later, she IS a pile of leaves!

Halloween 2013 (5 of 5)

My son wanted a creeper box "mask", which if we bought from the store, believe it or not would have cost $20. A cardboard box for $20! Can you believe it?! So, we just got a plain shipping box and one roll of duck tape, and we were all set.

Halloween 2013 (1 of 5)

Pumpkin medal or not, at least I got to hear that I'm "the best mommy in the whole world" at least 3 times! What a better reward, right?

Happy early Halloween! Now I'm going to bed...hopefully.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My first book is available for purchase online!

After 6 whole years writing, planning, editing, drawing, worrying- the day finally came! At last, my first chapter book for children with the fuzzy title "Woolly" is available for purchase online! Yay! In 6-8 weeks you will be able to purchase it through Amazon as well, but for now, BUY THE BOOK"WOOLLY" HERE.

The book has a companion- a 12 month calendar, with twelve beautiful illustrations and a friendship quote in the bottom right corner. BUY THE CALENDAR HERE. If you would like to look inside the calendar, check the preview out:

Thank you for supporting independent writers! It means the world to me to be able to share my story with you and your children, and I hope you all like it! In any case, I welcome comments, suggestions and questions, so don't hesitate to write me an e-mail or a comment! 

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