Monday, April 26, 2010

Cards, cards on the way!

I started my week at 6.30 am with a hell of a schedule, so before I continue going through with it, I wanted to show you 3 cards I made last week!

Cards April20100001

I added the glitter effect of the branches on the card and I love how it came out. It's very simple, but I like it!

Cards April20100002

For this card I got the idea from a friend ( Mrs. Sushi, thanks!)!

Cards April20100003

I don't know if you can see it Ok on the picture, but the details in the middle are sparkly! It adds very nice touch to the withe surface.

Cards April20100005

I am making more simple cards lately, I know but I hope soon to have a little bit more time to play around with the paper because I miss it!

Happy Monday!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Notes from the sketchbook: Part 2

Here is my second favorite sketchbook- a Barnes and Noble 8.5x5.5 sketchbook with white acid free paper!

From the Sketchbook0005

Yeah, by the look at the water stain on top you can't say I'm not using it ;-)

So, here we go!

Study of hand movement
From the Sketchbook0006

Hand movement again( as you can see I didn't get to finish one of them)
From the Sketchbook0007

More hand study
From the Sketchbook0008

From the Sketchbook0009

Hand and finger
From the Sketchbook0010

From the Sketchbook0012

Hand ( inside)
From the Sketchbook0013


 From the Sketchbook0014
Why so many hands? I find them most difficult to draw, that's why. So I got myself a Classic Human Anatomy by Valerie L. Winslow and I am trying to figure the hands out. I have a lot of work to do, I know. :-)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Notes from the sketchbook: Part 1

I was thinking about what I said the other day, how I won't show you the sketches I am working on. I thought it would be boring for people to see, but I got 5 e-mails where people were asking me to actually show them what's in my sketchbook.
So, I thought about it and I am starting these series called " Notes from the sketchbook" where I'm going to show you the sketches I made recently.

Here we go!

Let's start with my favorite sketchbook- A Daler-Rowney Cachet Earthbound recycled sketchbook!

From the Sketchbook0015 

You wouldn't believe where I found this, but I got it for 5 bucks at Walmart ( it was in the clearance section) and there were only 2 of them!
I love it because it's different! The paper has character! When you look at it, you don't see a simple white ( or black) page...there is so much to the recycled paper!

I've mentioned it times and again, but my favorite packing paper and bags are the recycled ones! I love to decorate them with virtually anything and make them for every occasion!

From the Sketchbook0016

I don't know if it's visible enough, but this one has a lot of silver lines on the background. These pictures could hove come out better, but...
From the Sketchbook0017
The waterfall :-)
From the Sketchbook0018

The Stepping stones ;-)

From the Sketchbook0019
Unfortunately on most pictures the silver pen is almost not visible. :-( The sketches are much better looking in person, but what can you do.
From the Sketchbook0020

From the Sketchbook0022

From the Sketchbook0023

What do you think? Do you want more? :-)


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"Outside the Matrix"

This is the title I chose for the last pyrographed piece I made. Well, among other things, I was watching the Matrix 1, 2 and 3 while I was making it. :-))) It seemed different from the others I thought that it would be a good title, because it doesn't "fit" with the other pieces I made. 

Pyrographed plaque0004

It's a nice perk, watching a movie while I work with the pyrograph :-) I mean, once I sketch what I want to do, it's just a matter of actually doing it later, so it's nice to have something on the background. Sometimes I use music, other times I use movies and I've noticed that it usually influences the way the piece looks.

Pyrographed plaque0002

Look at these details, these little " dots" are big as a pinpoint, can you guess how much time it takes to make one of these pieces?

And here it is on the plate holder! I love how they look when you put them on an easel or something, but the plate holders give them character! ;-) I'm really happy I have enough left from the art show!

 Pyrographed plaque0003

Pyrographed plaque0001

Tomorrow I'll post something I swore I won't show you...but I changed my mind and I think it would be interesting for you to see! :-)


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Food for the soul or food for the mouth?

- "Food in the Art and Craft section?! She must be going mad!"

No, my dears, I simply had a dilemma what to post first, because I have tons of pictures and stuff that needs to be uploaded and I ....well I don't have the time to do it, honestly. Sometimes I dream of an assistant who can help me out in moments like this, because on top of everything else, it is a bit too much.

Food for the soul beats food for the mouth any day, so here it is, my latest creation!

You all know how much I love a brown paper bag! I am totally nuts about them! This was a gift bag for a very sweet little girl and I hope she liked it! :-)

Flower bag0002

Flower bag0001

I enjoyed so much making this bag that I had to make couple more! Unfortunately i don't have pictures, but one of them had orange buttons, the other one green butterflies.

Flower bag0004

The flowers were real fun to make! Tissue paper is one of my favorite materials to make flowers and these came out great!
They are really easy to make of course, just cut different sizes circles from tissue paper, then use something to secure them in the middle, would it be an eyelet or a button or a pin, it would look great!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Some cards and some good news!

You know how regularly I post on my blog so you are probably wondering what happened the last week!

Well, a couple of things happened actually!

First of all I am working really hard on my anatomy sketches, I am learning things about drawing and painting, reading a lot of  art books, but I wasn't sure if anyone would like to see these sketches.

I mean I know you love me guys, but I'm not sure you'll be too excited to come back to my site if I show you 10 sketches of my thumb. LoL :-) Which is pretty much what I am doing, sketching things over and over again...I hate drawing hands, I've always avoided whenever possible, so now I am spending extra time learning how to draw them properly.

Actually working on the anatomy sketches is a lot of fun! Sketching bones and muscles is never boring for me. Aaaahhhh, I remember about the time I brought a real skull( from my biology teacher!) at my house and my mom threatened to disown me if I didn't get it out right away. Good times...:-)

Second of all I am working currently on my art portfolio website and this is the big announcement I promised on Tweeter!It was about time to shed some light on the subject how my website would grow, and there it is! I will have a separate webstite with my art portfolio! Yay! :-)

I would continue to publish things in my art and craft section, since my new website would serve quite a different purpose and both sites would link to each other as well.

The purpose of the new site would be to keep in a " gallery mode" only my artwork and would be like a online resume for future art show events etc.

Maybe at some point it would serve even a better purpose ;-) but I am going to keep my mouth shut about that now! :-)))

So, to appease you for not posting every day this week, I'll show you the last 5 cards I made! The spell is broken, no 13 cards this time, sorry! :-)


 Spring cards20100011      Spring cards20100012


Spring cards20100010       Spring cards20100009

Spring cards20100008      Spring cards20100007


Spring cards20100004

Spring cards20100001

Enjoy the wonderful spring weather!


P.S: And don't forget to take your allergy medication too, you know who you are! ;-)

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