Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Letter photo collage

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you probably figured out that I like to give unique presents, tailored for the person to receive them. Although I try to do this with all presents I give, I don't remember when was the last time I had so much fun creating something for someone, as I did for this project. Was it because it was for my husband or maybe because the kids cooperated and actually had fun helping me, or maybe because the sun was shining and we were laughing our hats off with the silly ideas we were trying to recreate, I am not sure. In any case, this was the best summer project ever.

We started simple and humble- with a message. 

" Daddy, we love you so much" 

A white cardboard, 7 locations and 58 pictures later, this is what we came up with:

Summer project 2012 collage

For the pictures we used a clear white board, then I digitally drew the details and letters. It is a great idea, especially if you want to "change" the messages.

"Little devils"

Summer project 2012 (1 of 1)-2copy

"Little angels"

Summer project 2012-4 (1 of 1)copy

"Thing One and Thing Two"

Summer project 2012-3 (1 of 1)copy

"A volcano of love"

Summer project 2012-10 (1 of 1)copy

" Risking life and limb for you"

Summer project 2012-8 (1 of 1)copy

" The Superhero and the Fairy"

Summer project 2012-6 (1 of 1)copy

"We'll find you anywhere" 

Summer project 2012-7 (1 of 1)copy

" A mile high"

Summer project 2012-5 (1 of 1)copy

"You are out of this world"

Summer project 2012-8 (1 of 1)-2copy

After I was done with the digital drawings I printed a poster for my husband and that was the present from the kids for his birthday. Do I even have to say that this was considered the best present ever by him and all who saw it? ;-)

I hope you enjoyed looking at them as much as we had fun taking these pictures.

Ta-Ta for now,


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